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Hello everyone, I'm creating this blog with the purpose of sharing my and your ideas with all hungry for game development.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sequences like Cheat Codes - Unity 3D

Hello again, today I'm posting a small but interesting script. It serves to capture sequence of commands from the user to perform certain things.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

XML - Encrypting / Decrypting ( RijndaelManaged )

I really have liked to use XML to manage databut when you use this type of file in a standalone project where the data is exposed to users, it can be a big problem. So, I'll show you how to make the texts unreadable for the user using encryption. In this case ( RijndaelManaged algorithm ).

I,m using the same system of the older post : XML - Loading data from a xml file. with some modifications.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

XML - Writing to an existing xml file

Continuing with XML, in this simple example I'll show you how to write to a xml file and then load and transform strings to float.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

XML - Loading data from a xml file.

Hello everyone, in this post i pretend to show how to use a external file(xml) with texts or values in your game. I made the main script in c#. The intention is to show a conversation when you comes close to a object. Let's Work!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Roll a Cube.

I'm working in a game type which  the main scope is to roll a cube, i was searching methods to do this, and the best way which  i could  found is the method described by HiggyB in unity answers forum ( http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/16190-How-to-move-camera-automatically/page2). So let's Work!